The beautiful decks are inspired by "the cameo", a jewel made through the engraving of a stratified stone (usually onyx) or a shell, in particular the Cypraecassis rufa, Cassis madascarensis and Cassis cornuta.

The deck is fully custom, from the beautiful court cards, card backs aces to the pips and jokers. The card backs feature a mirrored design prominently representing the Cammeo sculpture. The hourglass on the back design symbolizes time and the patience that is needed for the creation of the sculpture, and the time in which was found in the first cameo.
The beautiful courts are probably the highlight of the deck. Each Cameo has been carved on the shell and then integrate with completely redesigned figures. The cameos are actual works of contemporary and ancient artists.
The Aces are truly a work of art, with elaborated and beautiful design elements embedded. One of the most significant representations of this theme is the Jokers. They are created using the face of the joker and of a person (real) who keeps in his hands the fundamental elements of this art.

Three editions are on offer during the Kickstarter campaign- Standard, Bronze, and Gold. The highlight will be the Gold Edition deck, crated specifically for the card collectors in mind.
The deck features stunning gold foil on the card backs and fully custom face cards. The tuck box is also adorned with gold foil both exterior and interior. Only 200 will be produced.
The standard and bronze editions will be printed by the USPCC while the gold edition by Ludocards. Pledge starts from $20 on Kickstarter.
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