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Oakeshott Playing Cards by Kings Wild Project


A captivating exploration of medieval weaponry awaits with Kings Wild‘s latest release, Oakeshott playing cards. At its core, the Oakeshott Deck pays tribute to the intricate sword typology formulated by Ewart Oakeshott.

This classification system, a treasure trove for history enthusiasts, meticulously categorizes medieval swords based on their physical attributes. Each card within the deck artfully represents a distinct sword design, offering a window into the diversity and evolution of these weapons.

The Oakeshott typology, spanning 13 main types labelled X through XXII, stems from Oakeshott’s renowned treatise “The Archaeology of Weapons: Arms and Armour from Prehistory to the Age of Chivalry,” published in 1960.

Building upon Jan Petersen’s Viking sword typology, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the swords that defined the European Middle Ages. By immortalizing these weapons through playing cards, the Oakeshott decks offer an authentic connection to the past, granting a unique perspective into the craftsmanship of a bygone era.

The collection embraces four distinct editions tailored to cater to a range of enthusiasts. The Standard, Limited, and Gilded Editions, now available, encapsulate the allure of swords through meticulous illustrations and premium craftsmanship. The Winburn Edition, a special tribute to the collaboration with Winburn Steel, adds a unique touch to the array.

For both sword aficionados and card collectors, the Oakeshott Deck is an invitation to dive into the legacy of medieval weaponry. Seize the opportunity to own a piece of history and immerse yourself in the captivating world of swords.

Printed by KWPCC and available NOW on Kings Wild Project for $14.


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